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Tips for Caring for Your Clear Aligners
Tips for Caring for Your Clear Aligners in Kalamazoo, MI
Maximize the Efficiency of Your Clear Aligners
Clear aligners, also known as Invisalign, are made of nearly invisible, custom plastic trays that discreetly straighten teeth, replacing the need for traditional braces. They’re easily removable for eating and cleaning, causing minimal disruptions to everyday life. Tailored treatment plans shift teeth gradually over months, delivering a convenient and aesthetic alternative for teens and adults who want a healthier, straighter smile.
How to Take Care of Clear Aligners
Proper care of clear aligner trays is essential for a successful treatment journey. These custom-made, nearly invisible trays demand attention. And while it may be overwhelming to think about the care required, it is worth it for your dream smile. Here, you will find various tips for taking the best care of your clear aligners, making treatment better and more effective.
Storing Clear Aligners
When clear aligners teeth are not in your mouth, they should always be in the storage case provided by your dentist or orthodontist. This case provides a safe, sanitary place for storage while you are eating or drinking. You should never put your clear aligners in a napkin or paper towel as it greatly increases the chances of them being accidentally thrown in the garbage.
Avoiding Certain Drinks
Drinks like red wine and coffee will stain your clear aligners and teeth. You should always remove your clear aligners before drinking beverages like these to keep your aligners clean. It is also a good idea to brush your teeth after drinking a beverage that could stain them so your clear aligners don’t get stained as well.
Regular Brushing
It is a best practice to brush your teeth right after eating or drinking before putting your clear aligners back in your mouth. Brushing your teeth thoroughly and regularly flossing removes food and drink particles that can get stuck in your aligners and potentially stain them.
Handle with Care
Even though clear aligners are made of plastic, they are delicate. Aligners should be handled carefully when you think about cleaning Invisalign aligners. It’s important that they are handled gently, and you never use a tool other than your hands to remove aligners from your mouth. Using the provided case offers an added layer of protection when they aren’t in your mouth.
Avoid Heat
High temperatures can warp a clear aligner, making it unusable and negatively impacting your overall dental treatment. Avoid washing your aligners in hot water, leaving them in the sun, or putting them in the dishwasher.
Consistent Cleaning
Are you concerned about how to clean teeth aligners? Clear aligner care should include brushing your aligners twice daily to ensure they are clean. If food or debris gets caught in your clear aligner, it can stain the aligner or get stuck in your teeth, potentially causing dental issues. A clean aligner is the key to a successful, sustainable treatment plan.
KZoo Family Dental is Here to Help
As you explore how to clean dental aligners and the best practices for caring for your clear aligner for teeth, you may need additional help. KZoo Family Dental in Kalamazoo, MI, offers clear aligners to patients throughout Kalamazoo, MI. Our team has a wealth of knowledge about this smile makeover and what it entails. Contact us today to request an appointment.